Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Sunday

Campus was closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday and I was able to stay at Gail and Stu’s at the U.S. Embassy housing. It was a very relaxing weekend and it was really nice to be in a ‘Western house’ with hot water! On Sunday I went with my host family to church for Easter. We got there at 8 am and first we had bible study then we went to the service. The first three hours was dancing and singing - a lot of fun. The pastor gave a two hour sermon and pulled 20 people out of the congregation, he then proceeded to pour oil on his hand and touch the persons forehead and they would be saved by Jesus and most of them passed out. It was really scary. After the two hour sermon the congregation proceeded to speak in tongues for an hour. At 2 pm the service ended - yes 6 hours - but then we went to a ‘picnic’ that served goat soup. After being at church for seven hours I went back to have dinner with Gail and Stu. Some other people came over from the U.S. Embassy for Easter dinner. It was great to hear about all the places people have worked and traveled and what jobs they did while overseas.
Tuesday was the last day of my classes and I have my first final on April 27th. This week I am trying to collect all the readings for my classes - most articles for classes come out significantly later than the actual day of the class. This coming weekend we are going on our last CIEE trip to the Volta Region. We are going to waterfalls and a monkey sanctuary. Next week some friends and I are planning on going to the stilt village and going to another slave castle on the way.
Wednesday I taught the kids at the orphange about snow, they loved it! I read them some books about snow, “The Mitten” and “The World’s Largest Snowman”. Then they all drew pictures of snowmen, it was great!
I have less than 5 weeks in Africa - time has gone so fast and in some ways so slow too. I have had some amazing experiences and have learned a lot about the culture and way of life here. This weekend I found out the living wage is 2.35 … a day. The class difference is so prominent here and the upper class definitely lets the lower class know it.

1 comment:

  1. WOW - 6 hours of church! Did someone interpret the speaking in tongues? Was this a Pentocostal Christian church?
    Is the class differencese based on tribes or ethnic groups or just rich and poor?
    Miss you -MOM
